

Calling All Volunteers

Posted by Kigoos Swim Club on May 04 2022 at 09:05PM PDT

Calling all volunteers!

If you are a family new to Kigoos or have been with the club for years – we need you!!

The past two years have been extremely challenging for youth sports and our Kigoos swim club is no exception. Many of our traditions were modified or suspended as our club executive worked to continue providing our swimmers with fun and safe summer seasons.

We are ready to bring back some favourite club traditions and even introduce new ones, but we need your help!

We are currently looking for a volunteer (or a pair of volunteers) to take on a leadership role in organizing the Food For Officials for our June 4th & June 5th Ice Breaker Meet. In this role, you will develop a menu for the event and organize a grocery list of required ingredients (previous menus have included wraps/sandwiches, coffee, water, two bite brownies etc.) You will have a team of volunteers working with you during the meet to help execute the plan.

We are also looking for a volunteer (or pair of volunteers) to organize some fundraising ideas for our Ice Breaker Meet (collecting items to create raffle baskets, organizing a 50/50 draw, finding sponsors interested in advertising in our heat sheet).

As you know, the club is run 100% by volunteer parents and we need everyone to get involved to make the 2022 season a success. If these volunteer experiences sound like something you can help with, please send an email to:

If these are not your areas of expertise, do not worry! There will be more opportunities to get involved and complete your volunteer hours throughout the season including timing, officiating, marshalling, swim meet electronics operation, social event coordinating, photography/videography and fundraising. All the positions are learn as you go and you will always get a chance to watch your child race.

See you at the pool!

The Kigoos Board of Directors


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