

COVID-19 Update

Posted by Kigoos Swim Club on Mar 27 2020 at 01:42PM PDT

Hello Kigoos Families,

At our recent AGM, we thanked Chris Kennedy for being an integral leader to our Kigoos Swim Club, first as a director and then as our Co-President for the last 6.5 years. He has been vital in reminding us to live up to our club’s core philosophy of being a “summer club that swims”. We would also like to acknowledge Andrea Nishi for her thoughtful and dedicated service as Co-President. Andrea’s calm, encouraging nature has been a tremendous asset to the mentorship of our coaches and new parents. On behalf of our new Board of Directors, we would like to express our gratitude to Chris and Andrea for their professionalism and tireless work to support our kids and Kigoos families.

As your newly elected president, I wanted to provide our families with a few updates. Over the past few weeks, it’s become clear that the world is facing an unprecedented challenge. With the outbreak of COVID-19, our Board of Directors have been focused on the wellbeing of our swimmers, coaches, and our families. Yesterday, many of you should have also received an email directly from the Danny Shilds, President of the BCSSA. In summary, the BCSSA shared with us details about the cancellation of the upcoming Coaching Conference and the uncertainty of our summer swimming season.

They shared with us the following information:

  • Take care of yourself and your families, including your swim family.
  • We recommend that all clubs postpone their paid registrations until we are closer to May 1st.
  • A Board Member is talking to Active about their refund policy yet these talks are difficult with so many businesses now closed or on a work from home regimen but in the meantime, postpone any paid registrations.
  • Our Kigoos Swim Club has also contacted Active (our online registration provider) regarding processing refunds. At this time, we ask that you please remain patient with our registration process knowing that our Board of Directors is re-evaluating the situation as it relates to the season
  • Stay in communication with your City Recreation Dept but remember, they can’t predict what is going to happen.
  • Plan for the season but be aware, the season could be shortened, or modified.
  • The BCSSA Board of Directors will communicate any information we learn and will be giving decisions or recommendations in late April about the upcoming season.
  • The health and safety of our Kigoos families is critically important to us. We understand that this may be a stressful time and so we are committed to keeping you informed.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly, or to any one of our Executive members for any support you may need.


Richard Buckley
Richmond Kigoos Swim Club